Sri Lanka Airport & Aviation Academy (SLAAA)
Airport & Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) (Private) Limited


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ICAO Course Categories

   Air Navigation Services
   Air Transport
   Flight Safety and
 Safety Management
   Security and Facilitation
   Training Competency
   Exclusively for Sri Lankan
 Industrial Sector
   Other Programmes


FR2125 Advanced Airport Fire Fighter Course [see details]
FR2010 Airport Fire Fighter Basic Course [see details]
FR2112 Airport Fire Fighter Refresher Course [see details]


Air Navigation Services

AC2001 Aeronautical Fixed Service Officer Course- ICAO 172 [see details]
AC2102 Aeronautical Message Switching Console Supervisor - ICAO 179 [see details]
AC2103 Aeronautical Mobile Service Officer Course- ICAO 171 [see details]
AC2104 Aeronautical Communications Service Supervisor- ICAO 176 [see details]
AC2608 Modern Data Communication Concepts and System Operations- ICAO 179C [see details]
AI0106 AIS/MAP Publication Specialist (TRAINAIR PLUS STP) STP # 029/074/AIS PUB [see details]
AI0107 NOTAM Specialist Course / Online Phase (TRAINAIR PLUS STP) STP # 021/211/AIS NOTAM SPC [see details]
AI0108 NOTAM Specialist Course / Classroom Phase (TRAINAIR PLUS STP) STP # 021/211/AIS NOTAM SPC [see details]
AI2001 Aeronautical Information Services Basic Course- ICAO 021 [see details]
AI2204 Aeronautical Information Services Refresher Course - ICAO 021 [see details]
AT0154 Combined Radar Control/ Approach & Area - ICAO 054 [see details]
AT2052 Aerodrome Control - ICAO 052 [see details]
AT2142 Air Traffic Control (Basic Course) [see details]
AT2153 Approach Control /Non-RADAR (Procedural) - ICAO 053 [see details]
AT2155 Area Control /Non-Radar (Procedural) - ICAO 055 [see details]
EE0103 DME Maintenance-ICAO 164 (STP under former TRAINAIR Programme) [see details]
EE0108 Basic Specialties in UNIX for aviation applications -ICAO 169 (STP under former TRAINAIR Programme) [see details]
EE0109 Advanced Test & Measuring Techniques for ATSEP (TRAINAIR PLUS STP) STP # 163/045/COM MTC ATSEP [see details]
EE0114 Terrestrial Radio Link Installation Planning (TRAINAIR PLUS STP) STP # 179/212/COM OPS TRLIP [see details]
EE2101 ILS Maintenance – Indra NORMARC 7000B [see details]
EE2102 DVOR Maintenance – Indra NORMARC VRB – 53D [see details]
EE2110 Navigational Aids Concepts Course [see details]


Air Transport

AM1021 Ab-initio Training Programme for Airport Service Assistants [see details]
EE2115 Foundation in Aviation Management [see details]     Foundation 1st intake
EE2111 Diploma in Aviation Management [see details]     Diploma 11th intake
AM2127 Hindi Language Training for front line staff [see details]     Registration Open
AM2130 Japanese Language Training for front line staff [see details]     Next intake
AS1208 Refresher Training for AvSec Supervisors and Senior AvSec Supervisors [see details]







Flight Safety and Safety Management



Radio Telephony [see details]







Security and Facilitation



Basic Training for Airport Security Personnel - ICAO 123 [see details]


Refresher Training for Front Line Airport security staff [see details]







Training Competency Development



Basic Instructional Techniques Course [see details]


Lesson Planning and Material Dependent Training [see details]







Management Programmes



Change in Environment of Aeronautical Mobile Service -ICAO 179B [see details]


Management Development for Engineering Officers [see details]


Management Development for Supervisory Personnel -ICAO 179A [see details]






Programmes Exclusively for Sri Lankan Industrial Sector


Computer Aided Tender Evaluation [CATE] (Workshop) [see details]


Industrial Fire Prevention and Rescue [see details]


Industrial Security [see details]


Mistake Proofing and Error Prevention [see details]


Towards a Productive and Environment Friendly Workplace [Workshop] [see details]







Other Programmes



Firefighting Awareness Holiday Programme for kids [see details]     Next intake


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